Journey into My Soul . . .

  Magic is the Science of living Artistically.    -Michael Skrtic, creator of the NAR magickal system.

  Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.      -Aleister Crowley, 'Magick in Theory and Practice.'

  Law of Unity      Everything (through all space and time) is linked, either directly or indirectly, to everything else.    Bill Whitcomb, 'The Magician's Companion.'

  Law of Connection      Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose something is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other.    Bill Whitcomb, 'The Magician's Companion.'

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          O' Enki, O' Fortuna . . . I would like My Higher Self to choose some pattern, some part of My life that need's to change . . . I ask this for My health, growth, and well-being. I ask that My Higher Self be guided to change, generate new behaviors, that will be more beneficial and effective to Me, than My old behavior. So mote it be.

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          Once a year, I draw a Spirit Stone, to find My teacher of the year . . . in 1998, My teacher was Dolphin. Dolphin taught Me to stay in tune with the Universe, take deep breaths and center Myself . . . to listen to the deeper side of My inner Self. I thank Dolphin for Her Wisdom and teachings, and welcome Frog as My teacher for 1999. Frog teaches Me to 'wash away' the old, and rejoice in the new . . .Frog is honored for the purity that water brings ~~ Water prepares and cleanses. We were given tears, to wash away anger, frustration, hurt . . . it washes away the uncleanm leaving in its place, a freshness. I thank Frog for for reminding Me of the importance of Water.
          Along with My yearly teacher, I also draw a monthly Helper teacher, who assists My main teacher, adding the lessons they are known for. All teachers work together, adding their combined strengths and positive energies, to help bring about balance to One's life. Please goto the next page, for a brief description of the Teachers, and the lessons and energies they bring.

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          Grasses they grow.
          The rain falls down.
          Cycles and seasons go round and round.

Oh the moon she waxes.
And the moon she wanes.
Thirteen moons in the Earth's domain.

          The tides go in and the tides go out.
          Teaching you magick is what it's all about.
          We are the grandmothers here to reveal
          Mysteries and magick usually concealed.

Love be your torch
And wisdom your way.
Open to our Presence
For our Blessing this day.

© Silver Ravenwolf
To Stir A Magick Cauldron

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