Another anonymous name down the tubes . . .

or, So this is StoryTeller, hmm?

          Hmm, where to start, where to start . . . okay, I'm a Pisces who happens to encompass the very definition of what a Pisces is. *grins* But then again, don't we all, fellow Pisceans? I oft have my head in the clouds and am highly sensitive and empathetic. And, I'm blessed with intuitive powers/psychic abilities.
          Which  probably explains my interest in all matters of the Occult. Gee, it could even explain my love of writing, as well. Like many Pisceans, I strive to express myself in various artistic ways -- from my past as a dog breeder/handler, to my fictional endeavors and onto my creating new and different (I hope!) web pages, just to name a few.


          *blushes slightly* Gee, think I should explain the music here? I have absolutely NO clue why, but in one of the chatrooms I frequent, S/someone always plays this song, for my grand entrance! *grins* All I do is saunter into the room . . .
          So, this is me -- in a very tiny nutshell. I am a divorce'; I've been on-line for roughly 8-years, and made my very first web page about 4-years ago. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I love to dance, and sing to my puppy. *grins* Don't knock it, she likes it!
          I do hope you enjoy your visit here, and I wish you brightest blessings.

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