Mysticism behind the Mind & Heart

              While your ability to perceive the Truth will grow and change, the Truth will not . . . for the Truth is the Truth.    -Mentor, 'Agartha, A Journey To The Stars,' Meredith Lady Young.

          The Truth is, Wicca is an earth-based religion, worshiping a Goddess and a God. 'Tis one of the oldest known religions, one of peace and love. It is a form of Witchcraft, that believes in peace and harmony.
          Followers of Wicca are tolerant and accepting of all other religions - including Christianity. Ours is not to sway you, or nay say you . . . but to love and appreciate who you are, in your own chosen path of spirituality. For you see, to travel one's own path . . . one must learn the importance of making one's own choices - and allowing others the same freedom.
          Wiccans are oft discriminated against, by modern society. From a young age, we are taught that 'witches are evil and bad,' and a negative stereotype blossomed from those youthful story's. As adults, many carry and give weight to those rumors and un-Truths. Yet, one of the basic concepts behind the Truth of this religion, is knowing - Man was meant to develop his energies for the benefit of all - to live in harmony, not imbalance - not just for personal profit.
          Because we follow this harmonious path - whether 'tis as a Solitary or Coven based - we consciously choose to set all free to follow their own path. Our Rede declares, An it harm none, do what ye will. . . and we know, that wishing harm to others, only causes harm to ourselves, and ties us down unnecessarily. A simple Truth, revealed to all who choose to recognize it, is that in crossing over into another's personal boundaries, without an invitation, only adds to the tension, in these times of crisis . . . .

          Please note, that I underlined 'without invitation,' above. The importance of that simple Truth, should dis-spell the misconcept that 'Witches cast an evil eye, hexing the first born' or 'Witches conjure and call forth evil spirits, bringing ill luck to those who cross his/her path' - la-de-da! *smiles* Any Witch worth his/her salt, knows 'tis unethical to attempt to bend another's will without their permission, and doing so, will bring the Threefold Law upon their own head.
          The Threefold Law is simply as it states - what we send out, good or bad, comes back to us times three. Mayhaps 'tis where modern society has chosen to believe - death always comes in three's. (As is, when one famous person dies, two more shall soon follow.) All must understand, though, that good also returns in three's.

bar of moons with blue Goddess

          As We each travel Our own path, We must come to understand the importance - the very revelance - of making Our own choices and decisions . . .and allow Others these very same freedoms. We all know, to share Our thoughts, feelings with Another, is the very basis upon which communication is built. And through communication, We work together, each individuals energies combining for the benefit of the All.
          In developing a close circle of supporters - family members, friends, loved ones - We enjoy and revel in the knowledge, that They are making every attempt to believe in Us, no matter what Our path is. *sighs* However . . . the reality of today's society . . . is that Others seek to discredit, long before They grow to Trust.
          Consider . . . the conscious mind is the body's creative computer - perceiving, judging and reflecting all that is thought and experienced. A "program," if You will, within which the body functions, thinking - interpreting input, in order to maintain effective functioning. Our thoughts act as filters, sifting through all incoming data, allowing the conscious mind access to what is deemed desirable, yet . . . as a good computer should do, not destroying the "undesirable," contradictory" or "threatening" input, rather sending these thoughts to Our subconscious for storage.
          When We consider the conscious mind in this way, 'tis simple to see it exists as the decision maker for each individual - and the subconscious becomes the very data base, from which all information can be drawn, in order to make decisions. For, don't We all - individually - interpret experiences, in terms of what We know . . . from Our own existing programs?
          We all have been told, at some point in Our lives, that the mind is but a tool. We can - passively - form new ideas, simply by existing, letting life happen . . . new ideas may be accepted - those which are borderline to Each individuals acceptability level - simply because of a slight connection to something already within Their existing program. Or, We may consciously choose to "reprogram" Our conscious minds . . . .
          This tool - the unconscious mind - responds to what is actively sought. In other words, We must make a conscious decision to allow Our mind to access what is stored, in Our subconscious - allowing the mind to alter Our existing programs, to meet the new level of need. We must actively (subtlety and hinting is not effective) tell Our mind, what We are seeking. Reprogramming will begin immediately, and within days . . . the answers "mysteriously" appear. The mind is a worker for the good of the whole body . . . it must be told what it is expected to do . . . .
          I give My heart-felt thanks to Mentor, and Agartha, for giving Me the words, the means, to express the thoughts that have floated below the surface of My conscious mind . . . .

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