So You're A Pagan . . .

or, What The Heck Is A Pagan, Any Way's??

One Pagans definition

              Paganism is a very broad, nature-centered form of spirituality, a religion. We try to work with Nature - Mother Earth - not against Her, nor do we try to dominate Her.
          This form of spirituality can, and oft does, cover many shamanistic and magickal religions; there is almost always a strong desire to develop the Self and one's own personal belief systems. We tend to believe quite strongly, in freedom and power of the individual - in other words, explore the paths that appeal to you as an individual, those that give you the most help, don't simply conform to a specified code of beliefs because everyone else is. *smiles* Or, to coin a phrase I strongly believe in : An it harm none, do what ye will. - Wiccan Rede
          Paganism was, at one time, listed as a primitive religion. It was later changed to New Age - after counterculture, back in the 1970's or so. New Age alludes to spiritual age dawning, where a newer, higher, spiritual Self is realized.

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          So, you may ask, exactly who is the main Pagan? *chuckles* I am - and you are. Okay, seriously . . . we each value the rights of all to choose their own path, to define their own belief system. We work independently - even in a group - by our own beliefs, yet many of us have strong similarities in our own beliefs and path.
          As a Pagan, and practioner of magick (okay Mom, I'm a Witch as well as a Pagan. *grins*) I do believe in the ThreeFold Law. Good or bad, what I send out, returns to Me. So, wouldn't it be in My own best interest, to try to always send out love, generosity, respect and genuine caring?
          Hmm, time to insert a random thought . . . I do believe in reincarnation. I think many Pagans do, as well. To Me, death is simply a natural transition. Once the lessons are learned by the spirit, or soul, it may then move on to its next plane (death). If the lessons are truly learned, the next plane may be of a somewhat higher level. If not learned, the spirit is destined to repeat the lessons - albeit in a different "shell," or body, until the lesson is learned.

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          Paganism is nothing more than Satanism, right? Wrong!
          Satan was created (and is believed in) by Judeo-Christian beliefs. Possibly around the time Christmas festivities were sanctioned by the church, approximately 274 - to counter Pagan Winter Solstice festivites. Witches do not seek power, via the suffering of others (remember the ThreeFold Law?) as Satanists are attributed to. Most Witches are healers - whether for broken bones, or broken spirits . . . We do not accept the concept of a personification of evil. We are respectful of the right to believe in whatever diety others choose, the right to freedom of worship.
          Oh, perhaps I should mention the pentagram, briefly. Many, it seems, associate this symbol - the five-pointed star - with evil. In fact, the pentagram has been known since Babylonian times, representing protection, the human body, the hand, the element of Earth, and perfect balance, just to name a few. *smiles*

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