The Tarot describes Me thusly . . .

  Moon card  The Moon
Night Journey; ability to go on without knowing exactly where you stand, may be moody, lonely or frightened. Trust your intuition. Get in touch with dreams. Depend on faith, intuition and benevolent forces to lead you safely home.
Queen of Hearts card  Queen of Hearts
Empathy; think with heart, not head. Secrets can be kept in an effort to be helpful. Knows how those in need cope with life's ups and downs. Willing to share knowledge. Empathetic to human fraility.
High Priestess card  High Priestess
Intuition; surrounded by mystery. Aware, receptive, intuitive and even psychic. Able to see things are as they should be for highest good and greatest joy. Considerate of others feelings, respectful of intuitive information and the chaos theory. Quiet and receptive, and deeply spiritual.
Justice card  Justice
Truth; fair, impartial, devoted to finding truth and justice, and one who is able to compromise - if all are treated fairly. Has good taste and judgement.

blue pentagram bar

To determine yourself via the Tarot, choose the Trump card that is ruled by your astrological sign. (As revealed in an earlier page, I am a Pisces, and My astrological card is The Moon.) Following is the astrological relationship between the cards.

Aries - Emperor          Leo - Strength          Saggitarius - Art/Temperance         
Taurus - Hierophant          Virgo - Hermit          Capricorn - Devil         
Gemini - Lovers          Libra - Justice          Aquarius - Star         
Cancer - Chariot          Scorpio - Death          Pisces - Moon

The next step is to find out which Element your sign is. (Element/sign relationship follows.) You also need to choose the appropriate court card, ie. king=male, queem=female, knight/prince=young male, page/princess=young female, of the suit, in that Element.
Fire : Aries (Mar 21-April 20), Leo (July 23-Aug 23), Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22). Wands/Rods - represent energy, creativity, passion and spirit.
Earth : Taurus (April 21-May 21), Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23), Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20). Pentacles/Disks - represent money, material matters, and physical well-being.
Air : Gemini (May 22-June 21), Libra (Sept 24-Oct 22), Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19). Swords/Spades - represent the mind and intellect, communication and conflict.
Water : Cancer (June 22-July 22), Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 22), Pisces (Feb 20-March 20). Hearts/Cups - represent emotions, relationships, love, and intuition.

Finally, add the month, date, and year of your birth, until you get a single digit. Once you find your number, expand it into a double digit. Eg. - My birthdate is 2/22/1958 so I add 2+22+1958 = 1982. Then I add 1+9+8+2=20; 2+0=2 (My number) To make 2 a double digit, I add 1+1=2. Therefore, My numbers are 2 and 11.

*smiles* I hope I made that clear enough . . . . Try it for yourself, see how accurate the Tarot is, revealing You!

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