Wolf, parenthood and the pack


Alyeska greets pups                    littermates

2 Pups    Within the greater power structure of the pack,  a smaller regime  ~  pecking order  ~  begins to emerge in the litter.    One pup establishes him/herself as the alpha of the litter,  and reigns dominant over his/her littermates.    This pup will often grow up to be an alpha wolf,  in charge of his/her own pack.    Julia & Jessica

2 black Pups





Maya    As the wolf uses its keen sense of hearing and smell to hunt (only using its vision to confirm what he already knows),  we could take this as a lesson to listen to our inner thoughts  --  be aware of our own intuition.    Wolf tries to teach us to trust our own insights.

The feeding pattern of the wolf  ~  consuming all that they capture,  gorging themselves  ~  should teach us not to waste,  to make use of all that is available to us.    4 wolves


  wolf watching    A strong,  powerful animal,  the Wolf will rarely fight amongst themselves.    A simple glance,  posture or growl,  is usually all that is necessary to determine dominance.    Apollo



Click on the Wolf head to see my favorite wolf pic's,  to date.
Wolf head

I wish to thank Monty Sloan   of Wolf Park,  for the use of his beautiful photo's.    Most of the photo's on these pages are owned and copyrighted by Mr. Sloan.

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