Link Resources -- divided into 4 categories, for your ease. There is a brief description for each. Simply click on the jewel to visit. A new browser will open.

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Encyclopedia Mythica

Herbal Hall - Home for Herbs - Herbalists Resource

Wicca & Shamanism

Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course

North American Wolf Association

The Witches' Voice Home Page

Echos of the Last Wolf

Dream Messenger's Insight

Wicca 101

The Wild Wolf Women of the Web

The Salem Tarot Page: Guide to Witchcraft, Salem and Tarot

1001 Herbs: Symptoms

Francesca De Grandis's 3rd Road

Journey of a Lonewolf

Everything Herbal

Wolf, Mystery Imagination Truth Fact

The Witches' Web

Silventar's Herbal Recipies

Directory of neopagan Beginner Basic Course

Directory of neopagan Beginner Basic Course 2

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Original writing of fiction copyright © 1988 - 2000, Shari Lyne