Wolf and parenthood

  Karin & Seneca    There is an alpha male and an alpha female,  in the pack.    The Alpha  is the leader,  normally the strongest,  fastest,  and most clever of the pack.    His/her mate is also seen as an alpha,  with other members of the pack differing to their rule.    Socrates & Kiri

Sierra & Chani
Only alpha's mate  ~  much to the chagrin of other pack member's *grins*  ~  but this does help insure only the genes of the best representatives,  the highest quality of the pack,  are carried on.

Greeting    It should be noted,  wolves mate for life.    When a mate is lost,  the surviving wolf oft feels over whelmed and totally devastated.

Breeding season for a wolf is usually late winter,  with the litter whelped about two months later.    Each member of the pack considers itself to be aunt's and uncle's,  all treating the pups with kind,  lenient affection.    Karin & Apollo muzzle greet


  Kissing pups    Wolf cubs have devoted parents,  and are well loved for who they are.    All pack members show great care and affection towards the pup's,  with some wolves serving as willing babysitters  --  or even adopted parents,  should the pup's birth parents be unable to care for them for some reason.    Kiri and pups play    We can learn a lesson from the wolf . . . the adults are friendly towards all pup's  ~  this teaches us respect and honor,  for family and children. . . .


A pup                                                                                                Tehya
A pup


Click on the Wolf head, to continue your journey . . .
Wolf head

I wish to thank Monty Sloan   of Wolf Park,  for the use of his beautiful photo's.    Most of the photo's on these pages are owned and copyrighted by Mr. Sloan.

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